Restoration Network International

Our Doctrine

We believe…

In one God revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In God the Father who governs the earth according to His will and purpose.

In God the Son who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, died on a cross, was buried and raised from the dead in order to provide the way for us to be brought back into relationship with God.

In God the Holy Spirit who prompts us to repent and live according to the principles of God’s Kingdom, producing the fruits and imparting the gifts of the Spirit for successful living and serving.

In the church universal made up of all those who have been called out of darkness into the light, have placed their faith in Jesus for salvation and who live under His Lordship.

In the Bible as the only written Word of God and the ultimate authority for what we believe and the way we are to live.

In the visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in great glory and power to receive into heaven all those who have personally received Jesus as Savior and Lord and to send to hell all those who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

How we apply it


We are to look outward to the needs of others. We hold the conviction that as a body of believers, we exist not only to see our needs met, but also to meet the needs of those around us. We value evangelism. Everything we do as a congregation needs to be done with an eye toward reaching lost people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Strong relationships are vital to a healthy congregation. We value a view of ministry in which people, not programs, are the focus. We embrace a philosophy of ministry that loves people for who they are, accepts them as they are and forgives them no matter what they may have done in the past.

The Bible

 We value the Bible as the instructions God has given us to order our lives by. His Word is the standard by which all of life must be measured. We believe that the scriptures are the highest authority that supersedes all other personal revelation, corporate discernment, or group tradition. When other revelation disagrees with scripture, the scripture is to be recognized as the highest authority.

Spiritual Gifts  

We value every believer as a minister of the spiritual gifts God has placed within them. Every believer has the Holy Spirit and every believer can operate in spiritual gifts with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The local body needs all the gifts operating in some form to be healthy and accomplish the purpose God has for it. The goal is for the life of Christ to be flowing in every aspect of our ministry.


  We value being a good steward of every resource God has given. Tithing is a starting place as we bring ten percent of our gross income and place it within the local congregation. Offerings are given as the Lord lays needs or burdens on our heart.


We value cross-cultural missions. Missions are the lifeblood of our congregations as it forces us to look beyond ourselves and beyond our immediate church family. By coming alongside other cross-cultural congregations, we network together to help strengthen all parties involved.


We value the restoration of the total person; past, present and future. We believe in getting to roots of spiritual and emotional problems and not just addressing the symptoms. God has a plan for each person who comes to Him and it is our job as a congregation to bring healing into people’s pasts so they can grow into their God-given future.


  We value vision for without a vision the people perish. The vision, as defined by the leadership, brings focus and life to the work of the congregation. As vision is given to lead, the people are released to follow. This function of leadership is the spiritual gift of ruling or governing and is vital to the health and unity of the congregation. 


  We value baptism upon confession of faith. If a person has already been baptized before coming to a Restoration church we do not require them to be re-baptized unless the Holy Spirit leads them to do so. We do, however, encourage immersion in obedience to the Word of God.


  We value every believer being equipped to fulfill the purpose and vision God has for them. We ask that every person involved in leadership or ministry within the congregation go through the equipping track as a preparation for ministry, even those who come from other congregations so that everyone in the congregation understands the Cornerstone vision and are onboard with it.

Spirit and the Word

  We value finding the center of God’s will and doing the basic things well. Our vision is to establish Christian communities through small groups and experience the same spiritual dynamics as the New Testament church experienced. They devoted themselves to four primary things: The Apostles’ teaching, the breaking of bread, fellowship, and prayer. This provides a basic pattern for us to follow.


  We value a unified worship experience, understanding that every part of the celebration service can be used to glorify God. We see the senior pastor of each local congregation as the worship leader who is responsible to lead the people into the presence of God. As a worship leader, he may enlist the help of psalmists, musicians, dancers, teachers, ministers, intercessors or other members of the body in parts of the worship experience.


  We value large group celebrations that allow us to experience God in the midst of the gathered body of Christ. As we celebrate God’s presence among us, Jesus is lifted up in praise and worship, His Word is proclaimed and responded to. We also value small group cells that allow us to experience Christian community with Jesus being in our midst. Each cell (small group) member is valued, and built up as ministry one to another takes place.


  We value the spiritual dynamic found in the New Testament and specifically in the book of Acts. God was moving. Miracles were happening. People were moving from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. People were being healed and delivered. Life was happening. We value that life found in relationship with and obedience to Jesus Christ.